Available Resources & Materials

Holland Home is happy to provide additional information to help answer questions and needs you may have regarding our Independent Living Communities and Care Services.


At Home With Holland Home Webinar Series
Our webinar series, At Home with Holland Home, provides additional information to answer common questions, and gives greater insights into what life is like in our Independent Living communities. You can view all of our webinars by going to the webinar page.


This Day & Age podcast
Experts in all things aging from Holland Home, Faith Hospice, and Atrio Home Care, arm you with the insights, information, and tools needed to help yourself and your loved ones through the different stages of life. Listen on your favorite podcast platform or for more information and all episodes, go to thisdaydayandage.org.
Palliative Matters podcast
Dr. John Mulder, Executive Director of Trillium Institute, and Dr. Jason Beckrow, Trillium Institute faculty, address the issues of those facing a life-limiting illness. Using real-life examples, they offer resources and tools for patients, their loved ones, and medical professionals to provide a higher quality end-of-life experience. Listen on your favorite platform or for more information and all episodes, go to trilliuminstitute.org.  

Holland Home Literature

[3d-flip-book mode="link-lightbox" pdf="https://hollandhome.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/CLS_COVID-REPORT_sngl-viewFNL.pdf" classes="cls-flipbook,btn,btn-info,btn-large,flat,d-block,p-4,btn-resource"]COVID REPORT[/3d-flip-book]
[3d-flip-book mode="link-lightbox" pdf="https://hollandhome.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/CLS-Community-Impact-Report-8_30-Pages.pdf" classes="cls-flipbook,btn,btn-info,btn-large,flat,d-block,p-4,btn-resource"]Community Impact 2022[/3d-flip-book]
[3d-flip-book mode="link-lightbox" pdf="https://hollandhome.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/2022-Annual-Report-9-22.pdf" classes="cls-flipbook,btn,btn-info,btn-large,flat,d-block,p-4,btn-resource"]Annual Report 2022[/3d-flip-book]

Vibrant Living

Our Care Services

Additional Resources

Download our Dementia Care Handbook

Holland Home’s Memory Care Services has created the dementia handbook as a tool to assist and educate our families about the disease of dementia. Our goal is that this handbook will provide insight into the challenges we face in caring for our loved ones living with dementia. Fill out the form below for free access now.
