We have signed an option agreement to sell Fulton Manor and anticipate to close January 2021. We’ll have more information to share once we get closer to the closing. In the interim, we have been able to lease Fulton to the Kent County Health Department who will provide a temporary community resource (Fulton Care Center- FCC) in conjunction with the City of Grand Rapids, for those who are experiencing homelessness and have tested positive for COVID-19 or are waiting for test results.


We are heartened to see
Fulton continue to be a blessing to the community and fulfill our mission to serve.


The first guests of the FCC arrived on May 4. Community Hospitals will refer individuals to the Center if they have tested positive for COVID-19 or are awaiting test results. Transportation for these individuals will be provided directly to the FCC to ensure prompt check-in. This facility is not a homeless shelter or a drop-in center. Rather, it provides individuals a safe and secure place to recover from COVID-19. Guests will remain in isolation while waiting to be cleared by the Health Department. While recovering, each guest will receive a warm bed as well as access to shower facilities and food facilities provided by The Salvation Army. They will also have their health monitored by medical professionals in a secure setting. The FCC will have a host of non-medical personnel, including a Center Manager, who will reside in the facility full-time.

The FCC is a strategic and important public health intervention that will help minimize the community transmission of the virus. The county has taken precautions to ensure individuals in the facility receive necessary care and the community is protected. We are heartened to see Fulton continue to be a blessing to the community and fulfill our mission to serve.