At Holland Home, we’re here to help you every step of the way on your journey to senior living. From webinars to podcasts and in-person events, we love hosting prospective residents and sharing tips and tools to help make the move easier. One topic that always gets a good turnout is downsizing. We recently invited Jeanne Jones, co-owner of Pathway Senior Movers, to talk through some of the logistical and emotional challenges of moving and how Pathway and Holland Home can help. Below, you’ll find a recap of the event with some of the most important takeaways.
The Difficulty of Downsizing
Downsizing tends to be one of the more difficult parts of moving to senior living. Most people have been in their homes for 20, 30, or even 40 years. Not only have they accumulated lots of stuff, but they also have a lot of emotions and memories attached to it. Most people don’t know where to begin, and the intimidation can lead to procrastination. But don’t worry! That’s why we partner with companies like Pathway and provide a $1,500 moving allowance.
How To Downsize
Plan Ahead
It’s never too early to start the downsizing process. If you’re waiting for “the call” when the home or apartment you want becomes available, you’ll be rushed into downsizing, a process that most people spend months on! 
Develop A Sorting System
From color-coded stickers to spreadsheets, written lists, and sticky notes, there are many ways to help your downsize stay organized. As you sort through each item, it should fall into one of your designated categories, such as keep, toss, donate, or sell.
Start Slow
Looking at the bigger picture can be overwhelming, so take things one item, one drawer, or one closet at a time. Start with rooms you don’t use frequently (basement, attic, etc.) and only move on to the next once you’ve finished.
The 80/20 Rule
They say we wear 20% of our clothing 80% of the time. This rule can be applied to many other things we have collected and carried through life and can help us understand that we will be ok with less.
Who is Pathway Senior Movers? 
Created specifically to move seniors, Pathway handles all the packing, planning, and moving with added emotional support. Last year alone, they helped with 550 moves. Everyone’s move is unique, and Pathway ensures that your home, items, and time are treated with respect and compassion. They begin by making a free visit to your home to get a better understanding of your needs and create a plan. If you decide to throw away, sell, or donate an item, it will be gone that same day. They even have two consignment shops to help you sell any unwanted items.  
If you’re interested in learning more about downsizing, you can watch our At Home with Holland Home webinar covering the topic here or view the Pathways Booklet. If you’re looking for more personalized answers, take our downsizing quiz here.
Feeling more prepared to start the journey to senior living? Reach out to (616) 643-2730 or email to connect with a Holland Home Senior Living Consultant.