Trillium Institute, an affiliate of Holland Home, has recently received a grant from Classis Grand Rapids East, a regional group of churches, to initiate the Faith Community Stewards Program in several area CRC congregations.
Our long-standing commitment to providing a full continuum of healthcare as you age has blessed us with the opportunity to work with some of the best doctors in geriatric, hospice and palliative medicine.
Every year, Grand Rapids Magazine publishes “Top Doctors” who are nominated by fellow M.D.s and D.O.s in the counties of Allegan, Kent, Muskegon, and Ottawa via an online survey overseen by the Professional Research Services (PRS), who tabulates and fact-checks names and affiliations of the winners.
There is an old adage about laughter being the best medicine. Well, as it turns out, it’s true. There are many benefits to laughing – especially as it relates to health and staying healthy longer.
No one needs to tell you about the benefits of staying physically active as you age. But what about staying socially active? Keeping connected to Friends? Family? Peers?