Connie’s Story

I call it a miracle story.
The sales team tells me I'm the only one with a story quite like this: In the year 2000, my husband and I and another couple decided to come out and look at the then undeveloped land here. We originally wanted to build a condo. We came across a location on the property with a creek and a ravine and my husband said, "This is where we should build our retirement home." We called Holland Home and they put a stake there with our last name, "DeVries". Soon after, we realized we weren't quite ready to make the move quite yet (he was 65, I was 59 at the time).   
Later, after my husband passed away, I went back to Holland Home to look at options again and while looking, within 5 minutes I realized, "This is where my husband and I selected back in 2000!" I said, “I'll take it,” right then.
Outside of what was a clear sign after her experience with the location her and her husband had looked at all those years ago, we asked Connie, “Why Holland Home?”
“I wanted a community.” She responded. “One of the first people I met was Myrna. Both our husbands passed just days apart from the same category of illness. We connected immediately. Finding people that had gone through similar experiences and are at a similar stage in life gave me that sense of community right away.
And you have to be willing to reach out to people and make connections. Stop by and ask to have a cup of coffee. I was an English teacher and writer in my previous life so I decided to started a biography booklet to get to know my neighbors and hear their stories and backgrounds. I keep it up to date and share it with our block!”