As residents received their second vaccination, we are happy to report that we have had no COVID cases at any level of care throughout our Breton Woods and Raybrook campuses.

We will continue to receive and implement the rules and guidance from the MDHHS and CDC and our Executive Directors will continue to communicate with residents, families and employees as information and updates comes our way.

As of 3/22: We are excited that visitor restrictions are easing, for more specific instructions, contact our Breton Woods or Raybrook executive directors.


Questions If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:

BRETON WOODS Sara Heethuis, Executive Director / 616-643-2501

RAYBROOK Tim Myers, Executive Director / 616-235-5702

HOLLAND HOME CORPORATE  Please email: PresidentQ&

Here is a great link to Dr. Jameson’s, Infectious  Diseases Physician at Mercy Health, vaccine FAQ video:
  • 3 W’s- Wear a mask (and wear it properly), Wash your hands (at least 20 seconds), and Watch your distance (6 feet apart).
  • Vaccines are important but they are not 100% effective currently.
  • You may still be a carrier of COVID-19 even if you get the vaccine.
  • The length of time someone has immunity after the vaccine or after having COVID-19 is still unknown.
FAQs Here are some answers to frequently asked questions:
  • The vaccine is voluntary
  • The COVID-19 vaccine does not contain the virus.  Instead, it works by instructing the body’s cells to make a harmless piece that looks like the spike protein found on the virus.  The body realizes that the protein shouldn’t be there, so it builds antibodies that will remember how to the fight the virus if the body ever does get infected.
  • The vaccine does not give anyone COVID.
  • The vaccine does not change anyone’s DNA, or genetic make-up.
  • The vaccine is 95% effective
  • The vaccine does have side effects such as headache, muscle pain, fever.  These are short-lived, lasting about 24-48 hours.
  • The vaccine is given in two doses about 3-4 weeks apart.  Both doses must be given to confer immunity.
  • Currently it is not known how long the vaccine protects against the virus.
  • People who have had COVID should still get the vaccine
  • People will still need to wear masks after having the vaccine
  • The FDA did not skip any steps in approving the vaccine.  All the necessary steps to ensure safety were followed.
  We continue to meet the requirements of MDHHS, MIOSHA, Kent County Health Department (KCHD) and CMS.
Holland Home is taking precautionary measures, following the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) which have released guidelines for long term care providers, employers and businesses to contain the spread of the virus. Holland Home’s number one priority is the health and safety of our residents, employees and community. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) website,, continues to be the most reliable and trustworthy source for the latest COVID-19 information. As the updates and changes are happening frequently we suggest you check it regularly.  Our team of infection control preventionists are monitoring the recommendations from the CDC and the Michigan and Kent County Health Departments on a regular basis.